Lifestyle Coaching Explained
How Life Style Coaching Can Change Your Life!
At AGAPE we treat you with Compassion, Respect, and Love. We understand that you are having a difficult time and we want you to feel welcome. Just relax We’ve got you covered.
We understand your tired of going to your healthcare provider telling them the same story over and over again to know, that all you will get is another medication or another surgery without truly getting to the root of the problem. I want you to know it’s not your practitioner’s fault. They are tied to a system that ultimately leads to a drug or surgery.
Your lifestyle coaching is biologically and neurologically specifically designed for you. Not your neighbor, not your friend or even if you had a twin it is design specifically for you!
Why Do We Do This?
In traditional healthcare the thought is, what is good for one person is good for all mankind. It’s called Herd Immunity. This is not correct thinking. If it were, we wouldn’t have so many side effects or deaths associated with drugs and surgeries. What the traditional healthcare system has failed to see is that our bodies have an inborn intelligence that handles sickness and disease completely adaptable and different from one person to another, the immune system. So your healthcare plan needs to be Neuro-Bio-Specific to that person.
At AGAPE we diligently look for the specific root of your problem, so your body is able to correct the underlying chronic symptoms or conditions. This is quite different than the traditional medical model of treating symptoms.
AGAPE Programs Are Designed To Improve:
- Energy and Vitality
- Digestion
- Sleeping
- Body Composition / Shape
- Fitness & Strength
- Anxiety / Depression
- Chronic Pain
- Hormonal Imbalance
- Feelings of Well-Being
- Blood and Saliva Chemistries i.e. cholesterol, blood sugar, liver enzymes, hormone imbalance, etc
What Would It Look Like If You Decide To Come In For Help.
Our intake application is extensive and yes you want it to be extensive. Remember this is not only your health we are talking about, but your entire life that is being affected. Your application must be filled out and received by the institute at least 24 hours prior to your meeting with the doctor. We will not waste precious time by analyzing your application in your review. We do not make quick or snap judgements, this is your life and the life of your family that we are honoring. We will analyze your application ahead of time to deeply understand your condition and your story. Shouldn’t that be the goal of every healthcare center?
Once we have completed this process, the doctor will sit down together with you and your significant other to go over your application to dive deeper into understanding even further how has this affected you, your loved ones, your relationships and your life.
Once we fully understand what is happening to you and if we believe we can help, our team, you and your significant other will decide together if it makes sense whether to move forward with your Custom Neurospecific and Biospecific plan of action to help you to become whole again.
Get In Touch Now
For the most advanced and efficient techniques and assistance for your health problems, contact AGAPE Institute of Functional Health and Chiropractic.