It’s Time To Step Up Your Batting Average Game Using Methods Not Only Reserved To The Top League Elite.
A batting average is truly important for any athlete in baseball or softball.
Whether for a high school, college, or professional team, your performance can make a huge difference for your teammates.

Every athlete dreams of hitting that grand slam, or that home run that wins the game for their team.
What if there was a way to increase your chances of hitting that ball?
Ultimately, there is no substitute for hours upon hours of practice on their respective field or in the batting cage. However, functional vision is a way to enhance the body’s natural skills through high visual performance.
Read on to learn more about how modern technologies available to anyone can help you in your arsenal of options, elevating your batting average and enhancing your game.
Tuned-Up Perception Helps to Improve Your Batting Rate
Your batting average is, after all, a combination of many skills. Hitting the baseball correctly and judging its trajectory is much harder than many people give credit for.
Especially in baseball, eye-hand coordination requires an Olympic concentration.
How many of you got yelled at “focus!!!” while swinging at the ball? How about “Keep your eye on the ball”?
Concentration certainly helps.
But, concentration alone may not be enough.
After years of study, depth perception and visual acuity became the hot topic at the highest athletic levels including major league baseball.
And for good reasons.
To put it in a simple way, your swing success depends on connections between your brain and your hand and how your brain perceives information.
Who would have believed that a vision training that can contribute to resetting the brain?
Think about it.
It only takes few seconds for a batter to:
- Spot the pitch
- Consider the rotation of the ball
- Consider the trajectory of the ball
- Consider the speed of the ball
- Time the swing
- Consider the angle of the swing
- Determine the velocity of the swing
Let’s face it, a batter has only a few microseconds to analyze a lot of information and make a decision.
Therefore, using vision training with eye-tracking technology can help any batter in their endeavor.
In the plethora of vision training accessible out there, vision-brain conditioning offers opportunities to incrementally improve batting rates.
Through data collection and analysis, vision training allows any athlete to unleash growth potentials. The great thing about vision training is that it is affordable and non-invasive.
While standard eye exams can measure your ability to read and see stationary objects or text, some dynamic visual acuity tests do way more.
RightEye® can inform your functional healthcare practitioner of a lot more information about you. For example:
- Eye movement
- Brain processing
- Reaction time
- Comparative vision scores to estimate how to bridge the gap between current performance and desired performance
In a nutshell, dynamic visual tests determine your vision strength and weaknesses of motion perception through eye-tracking.
And, it also indicates avenues of improvement opportunities if you work with the right practitioners.
Ultimately, as we’ve seen, RightEye® has the capability to evaluate dynamic, critical vision skills that include eye movement.
When combined with a functional neurology approach, the overall brain-eye-hand coordination can be enhanced.
If you consider RightEye® and functional neurology as part of your growth journey, you have a super combo to achieve more.
It is important to understand that 20/20 vision doesn’t mean you’re at an optimal level of performance.
By offering functional dynamic acuity tests specifically for athletes using RightEye®, we are able to measure specific aspects of vision.
In particular, we can focus on the brain-eye connection and the effect on hand-eye coordination.
To improve the brain-hand coordination, functional vision training is the program designed to improve the athlete’s functional vision that will enhance sports performance.
Put in simple terms, your functional vision improvement is a result of how well your brain-eye work together to process what you see.
And what now?
RightEye® and functional neurology are revolutionizing the way athletes train. It is no longer reserved for the elite in major league baseball.
Any player can now benefit from the state-of-the-art technology and approach to functional vision. If you need to learn more, get in touch with us.